6 Jul 2023
Hello everyone! It’s me, Caleb, Caleb Yen. Not another Caleb, even though I know about 5 different Calebs now. I’ve been asked to share a testimony of my time with Pastor Benny Ho during BRMC Church Camp. My friend, Ethan Ng, was also asked to do this, so if you’re reading this, you should probably check his one out as well. We were both asked to do this because we were both present at the dinner and shared on stage about our time at church camp. Okay. Let’s get started.
So first, I should probably explain why Ethan & myself got the amazing privilege of meeting Pastor Benny for dinner. I’ll save you the long story, but essentially, we needed to find around 10 puzzle pieces and assemble them together in order to win a prize. First prize was dinner with Pastor Benny! Ethan roped in his friends to complete this puzzle, and I was the person who contributed the final piece- the frame. Actually it was my sister’s puzzle piece, but I was the one who went for the dinner.
At the dinner, we all talked for quite a while, but Ethan seemed quite nervous, so we didn’t ask Pastor Benny to pray for us yet. Personally I wasn’t that nervous, because Pastor Benny was very friendly. After Ethan asked him a few difficult questions, and other friends who came for the dinner as well asked him some Bible teasers, we were starving and thus devoured our food. I asked Pastor Benny to pray for my upcoming PSLE. Lastly, I would like to thank God for this encounter with Ethan and Pastor Benny.
This was the first time I went to Church Camp (I think. If I did go once before, I completely forgot about it) and I had a great time! May Ethan and I trust God to see us through our PSLE. God bless!
(Sharing by Caleb Yen)
“To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8
Before going to the church camp, my father told me that Pastor Benny Ho would be the guest speaker at the camp. He had shown me some of his sermons online and I found his messages very meaningful and well-delivered. I thought it will be good for Pastor Benny to pray for me as I was about to take the PSLE later this year.
During the start of the church camp, there was an announcement about the first prize of completing a 10-piece puzzle game and it turned out to be a dinner with Pastor Benny. At the first night of the dinner, I started to ask around for anyone who had the different pieces and very soon I was down to the last piece. The frame was the last piece to the puzzle and lo and behold, my friend Caleb had the final piece. As we made our way to the back of the ballroom, we quickly pieced together the puzzle and we won the first prize! I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to this puzzle.
On the last night of the camp, I went for the dinner with Pastor Benny and a few campers who helped me with the puzzle. During the dinner, some of my friends asked Pastor Benny some really interesting questions about the bible and so did I. Before we left, Caleb and I asked Pastor Benny to pray for us. Pastor Benny prayed for me this verse from Micah 6:8 “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”.
During the final service, Caleb’s father encouraged us to go up and share our testimony with everyone. We agreed and it was an experience I would always remember. We prayed for Pastor Benny and wished him well for his health and the rest of his journey.
Lastly, I like to thank God, Pastor Benny and everyone for this meaningful church camp experience.
God bless.
(Sharing by Ethan Ng)
48 Barker Road Singapore 309917
+65 6256 4298
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