
24 Jul

New Sermon Series on Theology of Work (10-25 Aug 2024)

Most of us spend the prime hours of our prime years at the workplace. Do all those hours…

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24 Jul

New Sermon Series on Theology of Work (10-25 Aug 2024)

Most of us spend the prime hours of our prime years at the workplace. Do all those hours and months and years matter?

What is the rightful place of human labour in this life of following Jesus? How do we honour God when work gets tough and the work environment gets rough? What is God’s purpose for us in and through our daily work?

The Theology of Work sermon series will tackle the above questions over three weekends from 10 Aug to 25 Aug 2024 as follows:

  • God is Creator and Redeemer of Work
    10-11 Aug 2024
  • God is Calling Us to Good Work
    17-18 Aug 2024
  • God is Commissioning Us into Our Workplaces
    24-25 Aug 2024

Pulpit Calendar


30 Jun

Mission Trips Resume

In January this year, some of our youths went mission tripping to Chiang Mai again in the Youth…

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30 Jun

Mission Trips Resume

Youth Ministry resumes mission trip with 13 youths and 5 adults travelling to Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2-8 Jan 2024.

In January this year, some of our youths went mission tripping to Chiang Mai again in the Youth Ministry’s first such outing since pre-Covid days. 

Mission trips for the rest of the church will also resume towards the end of this year.

Places will be limited and will close when numbers are reached.*

Nepal – 20-26 Nov 2024 (Medical) (CLOSED)
Cambodia – 3-8 Dec 2024 (Medical)
South India (Shalom) – 5-12 Dec 2024

Register your interest for the trips and our Missions Pastoral Staff will follow up with you.

*NOTE: To join us, you must have completed the BRMC Mission Trip Training programme.

4 Jun

2024 Primary One Registration exercise

This is for children of Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, born between 2 January 2018 and 1 January…

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4 Jun

2024 Primary One Registration exercise

This is for children of Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, born between 2 January 2018 and 1 January 2019 (both dates inclusive).

Members who wish to enrol their children in Methodist Schools under Phase 2B may apply for a membership certification letter.


25 May

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment Update (May 2024)

As of 25 May 2024, we are pleased to update that the main Sanctuary ceiling has been currently…

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25 May

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment Update (May 2024)

As of 25 May 2024, we are pleased to update that the main Sanctuary ceiling has been currently removed to expedite the repairs and refurbishment timeframe.

The architect has forecast the project to be done by Christmas. To be prudent, however, church plans is making allowance for completion at end Q1 2025 instead.

We urge members to continue to pray for us in this journey.

Please contact the church office at 6256 4298 for feedback and questions about the works.




8 May

MCS response to UMC’s repeal of the ban on gay clergy

Earlier this month, the United Methodist Church (based in the United States) lifted its long-standing ban on gay…

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8 May

MCS response to UMC’s repeal of the ban on gay clergy

Earlier this month, the United Methodist Church (based in the United States) lifted its long-standing ban on gay clergy, which had already begun in practice.

What does this mean for Methodists in Singapore?

Read the response from The Methodist Church in Singapore to the Methodist community.

26 Apr

欢迎华语崇拜新委任传道 / New Mandarin Service pastor

卫理公会巴克路堂诚挚欢迎丁华胜传道于2024 年 4 月 23 日起担任华语崇拜委任传道及奥登堂事工助理校牧。 在加入本堂之前,丁传道毕业于马来西亚卫理神学院(诗巫)并在古晋卫理公会信心堂服事长达六年。他曾在砂拉越华人年议会按立为副牧。 丁传道与保鋆姐妹结婚,育有两岁半的女儿丁萌和六个月大的儿子富栎。 巴克路堂华语崇拜是在每主日的早上十点三十分举行,地点在卫斯理堂。 BRMC welcomes new Mandarin Service Pastor Barker Road Methodist…

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26 Apr

欢迎华语崇拜新委任传道 / New Mandarin Service pastor

卫理公会巴克路堂诚挚欢迎丁华胜传道于2024 年 4 月 23 日起担任华语崇拜委任传道及奥登堂事工助理校牧。




BRMC welcomes new Mandarin Service Pastor

Barker Road Methodist Church warmly welcomes Ps Ting Hua Seng as the Mandarin Service pastor and Assistant Chaplain for Oldham Hall with effect from 23 April 2024.

Prior to joining us, Ps Ting served in Faith Methodist Church in Kuching, Sarawak, for six years as an ordained minister under the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference after graduating from Methodist Theological School (Sibu).

He’s married to Poh Yuen and they have a 2.5-year-old daughter, Ting Meng, and 6-month-old son, Hock Lit.

BRMC’s vibrant Mandarin Service is held at 10.30am at Wesley Hall every Sunday.

Service timings

11 Apr

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment Works

Ceiling removal at the Sanctuary has started since Monday, 8 April 2024.  Operations will take place from Monday…

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11 Apr

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment Works

Ceiling removal at the Sanctuary has started since Monday, 8 April 2024. 

Operations will take place from Monday through Saturday until 22 April. On Saturdays, work ends at 4pm and resumes on Monday mornings over the 2-week period.  

For your safety, please keep away from the Sanctuary when works are taking place. 

Please also note that the Skip Tank is sited in front of the Sanctuary’s driveway. This is to ensure that unimpeded traffic flow on the main red brick road designated as Fire Engine Road Access. 

Skip tank on driveway in front of Sanctuary

28 Mar

Connecting the Family Events in May – Jun 2024

Calling all grandparents, parents, children, aunties, uncles, siblings and children! If you like kimchi pork and kimbap, here’s…

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28 Mar

Connecting the Family Events in May – Jun 2024

Calling all grandparents, parents, children, aunties, uncles, siblings and children!

If you like kimchi pork and kimbap, here’s a chance for you to pair up and bond over cooking and other fun activities.

The Korean cooking class is one of our Connecting Families events in May and June.

If Korean food is not your thing, there’s also a Kueh-making session for grandparent-grandchild pairs.

Other events include a Family Scavenger Hunt at the Botanic Gardens, and equipping sessions for parents with children or sons headed for National Service.

So sign up now for a time of deeper connection with one another.

Follow the links below:

11 May – Korean Cooking Fun

18 May – Scavenger Hunt

22 Jun – Supporting Ah Boys to Men

29 Jun – Conversations with our Children

27 Feb

Holy Week and Easter 2024

Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, which is why we celebrate it as a…

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27 Feb

Holy Week and Easter 2024

Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, which is why we celebrate it as a worship service in many parts this Holy Week and Easter season. We will reflect on Holy Communion, loving one another, sacrifice, death, and the forgiveness of sins – themes that make sense as a whole only in light of the Resurrection.

Come join us for the following:

Maundy Thursday
Thu, 28 Mar
8pm | Auditorium (Holy Communion)

Good Friday
Fri, 29 Mar

8.30am & 10.30am | Auditorium (Livestream)

NO 5PM service on Sat, 30 Mar

Easter Sunrise Service with Breakfast Fellowship
Sun, 31 Mar
6.30am | Plaza (Open space between Auditorium & Concert Hall)

Easter Sunday services
Sun, 31 Mar

8.30am & 10.30am | Concert Hall (Livestream)
5pm | Wesley Hall


27 Feb

Lights On The Hill online series

We are rolling out a new online series of snapshots called *Lights On The Hill* from the end…

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27 Feb

Lights On The Hill online series

We are rolling out a new online series of snapshots called *Lights On The Hill* from the end of February 2024.

In each instalment, a regular BRMC member or visitor will share a snippet of what he or she may be thinking of, or feeling, at the point in time.

The snapshots will be first published on under “Stories” and disseminated primarily through BRMC’s Facebook and Instagram channels. Snippets may be recorded and presented on video where and when feasible.

By featuring real faces and real voices, Lights On The Hill aims to:

  1. Show what real faith looks like in real life
  2. Inspire authentic sharing
  3. Introduce us to one another – one snippet at a time

In the meantime, do get in touch if you would like to be a Light on the Hill!

17 Feb

New Sermon Series: Kingdom of God

Every week we pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done”. What do we…

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17 Feb

New Sermon Series: Kingdom of God

Every week we pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done”. What do we really mean when we pray this?

– Is God’s Kingdom a distant location we go to after we die, something that comes about at the end of time, or is the Kingdom in fact present in our midst?

– What does it really take to be a part of this Kingdom?

– How does the Kingdom of God redefine our place and our priorities within this present world?

– In what ways is the Kingdom of God good news for our lives and for our world today?

– Are we truly living a Kingdom life, for real?

– Are we, BRMC, in reality a Kingdom people?

– Is the Kingdom of God manifest and tangible in our daily life and in our community life?

From 17 Feb to 19 May, we will be exploring the above questions in our new topical sermon series tracing the Kingdom of God in the New Testament, particularly, in the Gospels.

For those following our Lectio devotions on social media, a new series will also start on 14 February.  

The daily passages will correspond with the theme of the Kingdom of God sermon series.  


Pulpit Calendar 

Service Timings 

7 Feb

No 5pm services over Lunar New Year weekend

The first day of the Lunar New Year falls on Saturday, 10 February this year. As such there…

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7 Feb

No 5pm services over Lunar New Year weekend

The first day of the Lunar New Year falls on Saturday, 10 February this year.

As such there will be no 5pm services on Saturday and Sunday, 10-11 February.

Sunday morning services on 11 February will be held as usual.

Service Times

10 Feb, Sat 5pm – No Service
11 Feb, Sun 8.30am – Traditional Service @ Auditorium
11 Feb, Sun 10.30am – OneBRMC Contemporary Service @ Concert Hall
11, Feb, Sun 5pm – No Service



5 Feb

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment

It’s been a month since we closed the Sanctuary to rectify deteriorating ceiling panels.   With the closure, we…

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5 Feb

Sanctuary Repairs and Refurbishment

It’s been a month since we closed the Sanctuary to rectify deteriorating ceiling panels.  

With the closure, we are also looking at enhancing the building’s accessibility, seating capacity, acoustics, electrical safety, and to rectify the walkways and drainage systems. 

We have invited a number of architects to quote for their consultancy and design fees, and are in the process of forming a Design Selection Committee to assess and select the final design. A Quantity Surveyor will subsequently be appointed, followed by the establishment of a Working Committee to steer the project.  

The Construction company will be selected by Open Tender.  

This means it’s going to take several more months before actual work begins, and that the Sanctuary will be closed for the rest of this year.  

Let us seek the Lord’s favour for this project.

If He does not build the house, our labour will be in vain.  

Please continue to pray for the project team and for the successful and safe completion of our repair and refurbishment works – that the Lord’s hand would guide, protect and empower our decisions. 

(5 Feb 2024 Update)

2 Jan

UPDATE: Interim Service Venues

The Sanctuary is closed due to safety risks posed by rapidly deteriorating ceiling panels. Interim service venues are…

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2 Jan

UPDATE: Interim Service Venues

The Sanctuary is closed due to safety risks posed by rapidly deteriorating ceiling panels.

Interim service venues are as follows:

⛪Sat, 5pm | Traditional with Holy Communion Service | Wesley Hall

⛪Sun, 8.30am |Traditional Service| Auditorium

⛪Sun, 8.30am | Upper Room Service (URS) | Performing Arts Theatre

⛪Sun, 10.30am | OneBRMC Contemporary Service | Auditorium (Holy Communion/1st Sundays of the month) / Concert Hall (rest of the month)

⛪Sun, 5pm | Contemporary Service | Wesley Hall

Our Sunday morning service livestreams will continue as usual.

We will update you as soon as it’s safe to move services back to the Sanctuary.

For further queries, please contact the church office at 6256 4298.


(Updated: 2 January)

1 Jan

Find us now on Instagram

Barker Road Methodist Church is now on Instagram! Follow us @brmcsg, tag us or leave a comment as…

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1 Jan

Find us now on Instagram

Image by Freepik

Barker Road Methodist Church is now on Instagram!

Follow us @brmcsg, tag us or leave a comment as we share our God moments and uplift one another through image-based posts.

We are also available on Facebook @BarkerRoadMC, and Telegram @brmcsg.

Let’s make 2024 a year of deeper connection and wider outreach as we grow in faith and joy in Christ.

1 Jan

New Year, New Start – Discipleship 101

There will be a new Discipleship 101 series of workshops starting in 2024. The three-hour workshops will be…

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1 Jan

New Year, New Start – Discipleship 101

There will be a new Discipleship 101 series of workshops starting in 2024.

The three-hour workshops will be based on material from the Growing Deep in Christ (Nav 2:7 series) Book 1, comprising:

1) Developing a Devotional Life 101 (20 Jan 2024)
2) Prayer (20 Jul 2024)
3) The Bible (TBC)

The workshops run by the Discipleship & Nurture Ministry (D&N) are suited to new believers as well as long-time believers looking to start right in, or reset, their spiritual growth and build a personal connection with God.

The first workshop, “Developing a Devotional Life”, is now open for registration.

Growing Deep in Christ programme

Meanwhile, those looking to deepen their relationship with God within a supportive community may sign up for the full Growing Deep in Christ programme instead, which takes place weekly over 12 weeks for Book 1.

Sign up now. 

Baptism and Membership 

The next round of Baptism and Membership Course is open for registration for those looking to get baptised in the new year.

EQUIP ministries

As one of BRMC’s EQUIP ministries, D&N equips members to connect closer with God, and connect deeper with one another as a church family.

17 Dec

Registration for Baptism and Membership Course (Easter Season)

Registration for baptism and membership at Barker Road Methodist Church is open from 17 Dec 2023 to 7…

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17 Dec

Registration for Baptism and Membership Course (Easter Season)

Registration for baptism and membership at Barker Road Methodist Church is open from 17 Dec 2023 to 7 Jan 2024.

Please visit our FAQs for the criteria and other details. 

Registration is now closed. 

BMC Easter 2024 Schedule

Item Dates
Registration opens 17 Dec 2023 (Sun)
Registration closes 7 Jan 2024 (Sun)
BMC session 1 20 Jan 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
BMC session 2 27 Jan 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
BMC session 3 3 Feb 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
BMC session 4 17 Feb 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
BMC session 5 (for parents) 24 Feb 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
Pastoral Conversations 3 Feb to 4 Mar 2024
Admin Briefing 2 Mar 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
Baptism Service 16 Mar 2024 (Sat), 10am-12pm
Confirmation and Reception into Membership (CARIM) Service 16 Mar 2024 (Sat) and 17 Mar 2024 (Sun)


8 Dec

Christmas 2023: Serve, Create, Shop, Invite-a-Friend

Come serve, create, shop for a cause, and invite a friend as we spread the love, joy, peace…

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8 Dec

Christmas 2023: Serve, Create, Shop, Invite-a-Friend

Come serve, create, shop for a cause, and invite a friend as we spread the love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus our Messiah this season.

This page and the individual event listings are updated from time to time, so please do check back for more updates.


  • Youth Mission Trip Fundraising
    17, 24 & 25 Dec
    | 8am – 12pm | Canteen
    Just turn up!


  • Indonesian Christmas Celebration Service
    17 Dec | 11am-1.30pm | Oldham Hall Chapel
  • Christmas Night Vigil 1 (Filipino) 
    22 Dec | 7.30pm-9pm | Performing Arts Theatre
  • Christmas Night Vigil 2 (Filipino)
    23 Dec | 7.30pm-9pm | Performing Arts Theatre
  • Christmas Eve Services
    24 Dec | 8.30am | Concert Hall & Performing Arts Theatre
    24 Dec | 10.30am  | Concert Hall
  • Christmas Day Services
    25 Dec | 8.30am & 10.30am | Concert Hall

See What’s On


(Updated: 10 Dec 2023)

5 Dec

RightNow Media: BRMC’s new media library

We are pleased to offer a new on-demand media resource for all our members and friends through the…

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5 Dec

RightNow Media: BRMC’s new media library

We are pleased to offer a new on-demand media resource for all our members and friends through the church’s subscription to RightNow Media – one of the world’s largest libraries of Bible study videos for individuals, families, connect groups and churches.

Brought to you by Discipleship and Nurture Ministry under BRMC’s EQUIP pillar, this digital library is meant to help you:

1) Deal with daily challenges as a Christian
2) Apply and be transformed by God’s Word
3) Connect closer with one another as we watch and share what’s on our screens

Why RightNow Media? 

Curated by BRMC  

Do look out for monthly highlights, curated for you in line with the Pulpit Calendar and seasons, on BRMC’s customised page on RightNow Media.

Click on BRMC’s icon at the top of the Home screen to see the page.

Curated videos page by BRMC on RightNow Media


You can access RightNow Media via its app on your mobile device or smart TV, or through your web browser on your computer.

Create your free account


24 Nov

Pastoral appointments 2024

We thank God that all our current pastors have been re-appointed to Barker Road Methodist Church for 2024,…

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24 Nov

Pastoral appointments 2024

We thank God that all our current pastors have been re-appointed to Barker Road Methodist Church for 2024, following the close of the 48th Session of the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) this week.

During this annual gathering of pastors and laity of the 21 English-speaking Methodist churches in Singapore, delegates reflect on past programmes, and discuss God’s direction for us. Election of certain office holders may also be held in some years at TRAC.

TRAC is also the organisation that trains and manages our pastors. In the Methodist Church, pastors are appointed to their churches on an annual basis.

21 Nov

Church School Recess 2023

Church School will stand down in December to give our teachers, helpers and leaders an opportunity to rest…

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21 Nov

Church School Recess 2023

Church School will stand down in December to give our teachers, helpers and leaders an opportunity to rest and spend some quality time with their loved ones and families.

3 Dec: Communion Sunday (no Church School)
10 Dec : Final Church School session for the month of December
17 Dec : Recess
24 Dec : Recess
31 Dec : Recess
7 Jan : Communion Sunday (no Church School)
14 Jan : Church School team dedication at 830, 1030 and 5pm – No Church School sessions
21 Jan : Church School resumes

See Service timings

10 Nov

New Lectio readings linked to upcoming sermon series

A new set of Lectio daily devotional readings will start from 15 November through 26 December. These readings are…

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10 Nov

New Lectio readings linked to upcoming sermon series

A new set of Lectio daily devotional readings will start from 15 November through 26 December.

These readings are linked to the upcoming sermon series, “Messianic Light in the Minor Prophets”.

Lectio is also published every morning at 7am, except on Sundays, on the BRMC Facebook page and Telegram channel.

1 Nov

New Sermon Series: Messianic Light in the Minor Prophets

As Advent approaches, we invite all to join us for the upcoming six-part sermon series, entitled “Messianic Light…

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1 Nov

New Sermon Series: Messianic Light in the Minor Prophets

As Advent approaches, we invite all to join us for the upcoming six-part sermon series, entitled “Messianic Light in the Minor Prophets”, from 18 November.

The series will begin two weeks before Advent through 24 December.

In line with the Advent season, this sermon series illumines how the Old Testament prophets, even the so-called “minor” ones, connect to the New Testament era inaugurated by Jesus, the Messiah.

For each sermon, a passage from the Minor Prophets will be paired with a passage from a New Testament text that cites, alludes, or refers to the theme of the Minor Prophet passage.

We hope this sermon series will help our church community to better: 

  • Understand the significance and relevance of the Minor Prophets within the canon of Scripture
  • Grasp how the Old and New Testaments connect and complement one another
  • Recognise the dual aspects of prophecy, i.e. forth-telling and fore-telling
  • Trust and follow our God who calls his people to repentance as well as to hope and faith

See BRMC Service Timings and Pulpit Calendar.

Visit our YouTube channel for Sunday service livestreams.


17 Oct

Sex Ed for Youth (in partnership with Focus on the Family)

In November, Church School will be running a series on sexual topics for youths together with Focus on…

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17 Oct

Sex Ed for Youth (in partnership with Focus on the Family)

In November, Church School will be running a series on sexual topics for youths together with Focus on the Family and BRMC Family Life Ministry on Sunday mornings.

Each year group will cover different topics such as sexual identity and discourse from 10.30am to 12.30pm at the ACS Learning Centre at L2.

We urge all parents and the rest of the church family to pray alongside us for these sessions as we seek to cultivate a secure identity, true intimacy and authentic relationships among our young people.


12 Nov 2023

Year 1: Sexual Identity
Year 2: Sexual Integrity

19 Nov 2023

Year 3: Sexual Intelligence

26 Nov 2023

Year 4: Sexual Issues
Year 5/Poly: Sexual Discourse

Points to note:

Please go directly to the Learning Centre at 10.30 on the respective dates. Sessions will end at 12.30pm.

For more information, please contact Iris Sin at the church office.

9 Oct

Notice: Change in Service Venue on 15 Oct

The 8.30am Upper Room Service will be held at the ACS Auditorium this Sunday on 15 October 2023,…

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9 Oct

Notice: Change in Service Venue on 15 Oct

The 8.30am Upper Room Service will be held at the ACS Auditorium this Sunday on 15 October 2023, instead of its usual location at Performing Arts Theatre.

Similarly, the Filipino Service at 11am will also be held at the Auditorium, as we expect a bigger-than-usual turnout for the Service’s 40th Anniversary.

All are welcome to join us.

ACS Auditorium
ACS Auditorium


2 Sep

Sermons to be brought forward in new service order

Service orders will be changed from 9-10 September. Services will begin with 20 minutes of worship which will…

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2 Sep

Sermons to be brought forward in new service order

Service orders will be changed from 9-10 September.

Services will begin with 20 minutes of worship which will be followed by the sermon.

The worship and sermon segments have been brought forward to create more space for us to respond to God.

For this to work, we would like to encourage everyone to arrive on time, or better still, 5-10 minutes before service starts, to ready your hearts for worship.

Whether you take the bus, MRT or drive to church, do factor in enough travelling time for the bus to arrive, or to secure a parking lot.

Let us honour God and one another by being on time.

Please do speak with Ps Benjamin Fong if you have any queries about the revised service order.

22 Aug

LECTIO* – BRMC’s Bible Reading Journey

As Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23) concludes and we now enter a season of open topic sermons, we also…

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22 Aug

LECTIO* – BRMC’s Bible Reading Journey

As Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23) concludes and we now enter a season of open topic sermons, we also shift gears with lēctiō, BRMC’s Bible Reading Journey.  

To help every BRMC member grow and submit under the Authority of God’s Word (the first of the 4As of Biblical Koinonia), we provide a daily Bible reading plan based on the pulpit calendar. 

The readings will be posted every morning on our Telegram and Facebook channels from 23 Aug 2023, following the end of the 40-day CE’23 Daily Devotions. 

The Rhythm 

Whenever there’s a sermon series, each week’s readings typically begin on a Wednesday to help us prepare for the coming Sunday’s sermon. Another two readings on Monday and Tuesday give opportunity to reflect on the message just preached. We encourage the use of the 4Rs (Read, Reflect, Relate, Rest) as a guide for our daily encounter with God’s word. This is no reading on Saturday; instead, we encourage “Examen” – a time of prayer that helps us to reflect on the week that has just passed and commit to God the new week.  

Preparing for Advent

From now till mid-November, we will read through the entire Gospel according to John. John is the most evangelistic of the Four Gospels, challenging us to consider who Jesus really is and how we will respond to him.

The choice of John’s gospel for Lectio is to prepare us for Advent, and not because we will be preaching from that book.

Lectio Bible readings will be synced with sermons from mid-November, for our series on Messianic Light in the Minor Prophets.

May our souls prosper as we read God’s Word together!


 *Lectio is a Latin word which means “a reading”, or  “a selection”.  Lectio divina (divine reading)  is the spiritual exercise of Bible reading, which focuses on meditating on a portion of Scripture (daily bread) as an encounter with the God who prospers our souls.  



31 Jul

BRMC welcomes Ps Joshua Kwok

Barker Road Methodist Church warmly welcomes Pastor Joshua Kwok to serve with us as Assistant Pastor with effect…

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31 Jul

BRMC welcomes Ps Joshua Kwok

Barker Road Methodist Church warmly welcomes Pastor Joshua Kwok to serve with us as Assistant Pastor with effect from 1 Aug 2023.

Ps Joshua served at his home church Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church prior to joining us.

This was announced at TRAC 2023 Special Session on 15 July 2023 held at Fairfield Methodist Church.

He will be introduced in person to the church family at this weekend’s services.



TRAC logo

31 Jul

Pledge FY23/24

Dear BRMC Family, As we approach our 58th National Day, I am reminded of the Pledge that we…

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31 Jul

Pledge FY23/24

Dear BRMC Family,

As we approach our 58th National Day, I am reminded of the Pledge that we recite annually on the day itself. The opening line is etched on our minds and hearts – “We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people…”.

According to the Collins English Dictionary, a pledge is a “serious promise that we will do something”.

In the Bible, promise-keeping is an important facet of a person’s integrity of character. The keeping of promises, particularly those made to God, is a recurring theme. It communicates that God not only takes promise-making seriously but expects His people to do likewise.

We hear this from the writer of Ecclesiastes who instructs us to not delay in fulfilling our vows to God (Eccl. 5:4-5). Moses tells us that God is a “faithful God who maintains covenant loyalty with those who love him and keep his commandments” (Deut. 7:9). According to Moses, God does not lie nor change His mind, and that what He has promised, He will do; what He has said, He will fulfil (Num. 23:19).

There is no doubt that God is a promise-keeper. God keeps His promises to us, and wants us to keep vows or promises that we’ve made to Him as well as others. I believe that God passed the litmus test when He sent us the promised Messiah, Jesus, and when He fulfilled His promise to send us the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged because we can depend on God to fulfil His promises to us. We can count on Him, and that should fill us with hope.

I found myself wondering what our society might look like if every Singaporean kept their pledge. What if everyone cared enough about our country to strive for unity, regardless of our differences, and worked together to build a society where justice and equality is experienced by all? Might we see less poverty, mental health issues, social unrest, and instead see a more cooperative, contented, happier, hopeful people? Perhaps…

By extension, I wonder what it would look like if we, the people of God worshipping at Barker Road Methodist Church, kept vows made to God at our baptism and reception into membership? Amongst other things, we promised to be loyal to Christ and to be active participants in the life of our church family. We pledged to “faithfully participate in its ministries by our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service” (Methodist Hymnal).

Pledge Sunday is a timely reminder of the vows that we have made.

It’s not just about money.

It’s about the keeping of vows and promises.

It’s about how we position God. And how we position ourselves relative to Him.

And it is because promise-keeping is important to God that I encourage all of us to take time to pray. Ask the Lord how He would have us respond. I pray that as you do, this certainty will settle in your hearts and minds – that “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8).


Please reach out to our Finance Team if you would like to look at more detailed financial statements.


With blessings and warmest wishes,

Rev Wendy Watson, Pastor-in-Charge
Mr Bill Chua, LCEC Chairman
Mr Melvin Dineshraj, Budget Treasurer

Pledge your commitment online

Pledge Form FY2023/2024 (Aug 2023 – Jul 2024)


Giving Impact 2023
Giving Impact 2023


More ways to give 

2 Jul

(CE’23) Sermon Series: That Your Soul May Prosper

Presented as part of the Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23), this sermon series explores some of John Wesley’s most…

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2 Jul

(CE’23) Sermon Series: That Your Soul May Prosper

Presented as part of the Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23), this sermon series explores some of John Wesley’s most important messages that Methodists must hear anew for today.

These include:

Who really is a Christian?

Can someone lose his salvation and end up in hell, and what is hell anyway?

Is “going to heaven” the reason why we try to be good Christians?

Addressing the above questions and more, the eight-week series means to bring all listeners to the wells of an abundant life (John 10:10) so “That Your Soul May Prosper“.

“That Your Soul May Prosper” pulpit schedule:

1-2 Jul  – “The Important Question” (Matt 16:26)
8-9 Jul  – “Witness of the Spirit” (Rom 8:16)
15-16 Jul  – “On Predestination” (Rom 8:29-30)
22-23 Jul – “Of Hell” (Mk 9:48)
29-30 Jul  – “The Good Steward” (Luk 16:2)
5-6 Aug  – “On Working Out Our Own Salvation” (Phil 2:12-13)
12-13 Aug – “Almost Christian” (Acts 26:28)
19-20 Aug – “Christian Perfection” (Phil 3:12)

Sermon recordings

About the Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23)

CE’23 is an eight-week experiential exercise that helps us to connect with God and one another for the sake of the world.

Participants meet weekly between 1 Jul and 20 Aug in either newly-formed CE’23 Experience Groups, or in their current Connect Groups.

We will be following the sermon series while re-discovering the Wesleyan way of being God’s community.

Learn more about CE’23 

23 Jun

Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23) countdown

CE’23 40-Day Daily Devotions will begin on Wed, 28 Jun. They will be posted to the BRMC Facebook…

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23 Jun

Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23) countdown

CE’23 40-Day Daily Devotions will begin on Wed, 28 Jun.

They will be posted to the BRMC Facebook Page and Telegram channel every night. Do subscribe to our channels if you haven’t already done so.

The daily posts are meant to complement the CE’23 Journal that our Experience Group and Connect Group participants will be using in the 8-week CE’23 journey.

Participants: Please collect your journals by Sunday, 25 Jun. If you attend the weekend 5pm services, please follow collection instructions in your email inbox.

Are you joining us in this season of the Christian marathon?

“If you want to go the distance in your relationship with Jesus, don’t run the marathon alone….

You don’t need 100 people with you. You don’t even need 10. You just need three or four people running with you, supporting you in all God wants to do through your life….

That’s why you need to be in a small group.”

(Timely quotes from the 21 Jun reading in “Open Doors: A Year of Daily Devotions” by Rick Warren.

Learn more about CE’23

26 May

New monthly Chapel in refreshed Seniors programme

A new Seniors Chapel will be held monthly from June, providing a space for seniors to worship God…

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26 May

New monthly Chapel in refreshed Seniors programme

A new Seniors Chapel will be held monthly from June, providing a space for seniors to worship God and enable them to pray with and intercede for one another. It will be held at 3.15pm to 4.15pm on every third Wednesday of the month at the Sanctuary, starting 21 June.

The Chapel session is part of a refreshed Seniors programme of online and on-site opportunities fellowship, including a regular brunch fellowship.

Weekly Online Fellowship         

  • Fridays, 10am – 11.15am
  • Sundays Post-Service, 10.30 – 11.15am

Monthly In-Person Events

  • Seniors Brunch Connection
    1st Friday of the month, 10am – 12pm (July onwards)
  • Seniors Chapel
    3rd Wednesday, 3.15pm – 4.15 pm
  • Shalom Dementia Care Fellowship
    3rd Saturday, 2pm – 4pm

All Seniors are welcome to join us and connect with the church family through these events so that you may G.R.O.W. (Gracefully Ripening, Overflowing with Wisdom from God).

Seniors who are homebound and require pastoral visits are welcome to get in touch.

Event Calendar 

8 Apr

Enter in to the new Connect Experience 2023

Barker Road Methodist Church is going back to basics. We are inviting everyone to enter in to Connect…

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8 Apr

Enter in to the new Connect Experience 2023

Barker Road Methodist Church is going back to basics.

We are inviting everyone to enter in to Connect Experience 2023 (CE’23) and rediscover the Wesleyan way of being God’s community and experience the joy and truth of the Christian life that’s transformational through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“I believe He has already started the renewal of our church,” says Rev. Lai Kai Ming, the pastor leading in CE’23. “And He is preparing us for greater things to come. “The first step is to re-discover what being a Christian and a Church is really about.”

The CE’23 journey will start on 22 April with a 3-week sermon series on what it means to be in koinonia, or fellowship, apart from congregating on Sundays. It will examine the “4As” underlying Christian love for one another:

  1. Authority of God’s Word: We are called to be doers of the word, not just hearers.
  2. Authenticity in relationships: How real and honest are we with each other?
  3. Accountability for Good Works: We are commanded to watch over one another in love.
  4. Acts of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit helps us connect with God and one another for the sake of the world.


Based on the 4As, the CE’23 journey continues in July-August with an eight-week guided experiential exercise in connecting with God and one another for the sake of the world.

Registration for CE’23 will open from 22 April to 17 June.

You can take part in CE’23 in the following ways:

  • Join us in examining the 4As of Biblical Koinonia over 3 weekend services from 22 April to 7 May 2023
  • If you are not part of a connect group, sign up to an Experience Group when registration opens
  • If you are part of a connect group, join us as our church family rediscover, exercise and experience transformational community life



2 Apr

Holy Week Services (6-9 April 2023)

Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, which is why we celebrate it as a…

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2 Apr

Holy Week Services (6-9 April 2023)

Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, which is why we celebrate it as a worship service in many parts this Holy Week, and reflect on Holy Communion, loving one another, sacrifice, death, and the forgiveness of sins – themes that make sense as a whole only in the light of the resurrection.

Let’s come together, then, to Watch and Wait at the Table on Maundy Thursday evening, at the Cross on Good Friday morning, at the Tomb on Holy Saturday afternoon, and finally, on the Mountain on Easter Sunday morning.

Maundy Thursday, Thu, 6 Apr
8pm | Sanctuary

Good Friday, Fri, 7 Apr

8.30am* | Auditorium
10.30am* | Auditorium

Holy Saturday, Sat, 8 Apr
5pm | Sanctuary

Easter Sunday, Sun, 9 Apr
8.30am* | Sanctuary, URS
10.30am* | Sanctuary, Shine Forth (Livestream)
5pm | Sanctuary

*Livestream available

6 Feb

Lent Sermon Series: Disciplines of the Holy Spirit

As a follow-up to the “Acts of the Holy Spirit” sermons, this Lent series from 22 February to…

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6 Feb

Lent Sermon Series: Disciplines of the Holy Spirit

As a follow-up to the “Acts of the Holy Spirit” sermons, this Lent series from 22 February to 2 April 2023 focuses on the inner life of the Christian.

The wind might blow strongly, but only a hoisted sail can catch its power. God is always speaking, but only a soul attuned to His voice can hear His words of love. Saints through the ages have discovered that while the sovereign Spirit “blows wherever it pleases” (John 3:8), His presence and power rest upon those who seek Him through a life of joyful discipline and obedience.

We look forward to seeing you at our worship services on the weekends.

View more upcoming events 


4 Jan

Lunar New Year weekend services

Please note that there will be no afternoon services on the 21-22 Jan weekend. OneBRMC Services will be…

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4 Jan

Lunar New Year weekend services

Please note that there will be no afternoon services on the 21-22 Jan weekend.

OneBRMC Services will be held as follows:

Sunday, 22 January

8.30am | Traditional | Sanctuary (Livestreamed)
10.30am | Contemporary | Sanctuary (Livestreamed)

Livestream link

2 Jan

First Corporate Prayer Meeting of 2023

Following her Vision Sunday sermon to ‘Wait, Watch and Pray’, Pastor-in-Charge Rev Wendy Watson invites all to join…

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2 Jan

First Corporate Prayer Meeting of 2023

Following her Vision Sunday sermon to ‘Wait, Watch and Pray’, Pastor-in-Charge Rev Wendy Watson invites all to join in the church’s first corporate prayer meeting this year.

The meeting will be held on Friday, 6 Jan, 7.30pm at the Sanctuary.

Like Jesus’ disciples who were called to be His witnesses in Acts 1, we are also called to wait, watch and pray in community.

This year, we will be focused on connecting with God and with one another in small groups.

Let us therefore gather and pray in unity for empowerment to go forth and fulfil God’s calling in our lives.


1 Jan

Connect Survey 2023

New Year, New Start! We are working to better connect our church family with God and with one…

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1 Jan

Connect Survey 2023

New Year, New Start!

We are working to better connect our church family with God and with one another this year.

To do this, we are carrying out Connect Survey 2023 until 31 January to find out what drives people to be part of a Connect Group, or what may be stopping them from joining one.

Through Connect Survey 2023, you are also invited to suggest ways to improve church communications.



9 Dec

Sermon Series 2023: Acts of the Holy Spirit

We will be starting 2023 with a new sermon series on Acts of the Holy Spirit. Someone once…

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9 Dec

Sermon Series 2023: Acts of the Holy Spirit

We will be starting 2023 with a new sermon series on Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Someone once asked: “If the Holy Spirit left our church today, would anything change? Or would we go on with business as usual?” This is a sombre reminder that it is possible for churches and churchgoers to have “an outward form of religion but denying God’s power” (2 Tim. 3:5).

Over eight weeks from 1 January to 19 February, we will learn to recognise the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in BRMC.

More importantly, we pray that God—Father, Son, and Spirit—will transform us for the sake of the world He loves so much.




8 Dec

Remote Holy Communion to cease

Remote Holy Communion will cease from 31 December 2022. BRMC members are encouraged to join us regularly at…

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8 Dec

Remote Holy Communion to cease

Remote Holy Communion will cease from 31 December 2022.

BRMC members are encouraged to join us regularly at our 10 worship services on weekends, as we enter a new year of connecting closer with God and our church community.

Those unable to come on site for Holy Communion may register for pastoral visits, where Communion will be celebrated.

Register here 

24 Nov

Pastoral appointments 2023

We thank God for the successful 47th Session of the Trinity Annual Conference hosted by BRMC on 21-24…

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24 Nov

Pastoral appointments 2023

We thank God for the successful 47th Session of the Trinity Annual Conference hosted by BRMC on 21-24 Nov 2022.

At the Closing service, five of our current pastors were re-appointed to BRMC for 2023. Rev Wendy Watson continues as Pastor-in-Charge.

At the same time, we bid farewell to Rev Lawrence Chua who’s stepping down in retirement after almost four decades as a pastor.

Last but not least, we thank God for the Rev Gilbert Lok, who was ordained to the office of Deacon of the Methodist Church in Singapore.

May God guide our pastors and bless this church with His presence as we seek to be a light for Him on this hill.


26 Oct

Advent Sermon Series: The Long-Awaited Saviour

  Christmas is coming….soon! Join us amidst your festive preparations for a new Advent-oriented sermon series every weekend…

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26 Oct

Advent Sermon Series: The Long-Awaited Saviour


Christmas is coming….soon!

Join us amidst your festive preparations for a new Advent-oriented sermon series every weekend from 19 November to 18 December.

We will trace how in the Old Testament, God makes various promises to his people, which culminate and find ultimate fulfilment in Jesus, the Messiah. And see while God gave various promises, their fulfilment was not immediate, but required patient hope.

Take heart that, today, God is still faithful and still fulfils his promises, as His faithful people continue to wait on him with hope.

See the Pulpit Calendar for more information. 

See our Service timings. 

6 Sep

华语崇拜 – 重返卫斯理堂

MANDARIN SERVICE- HOMECOMING The Mandarin Service is returning to Wesley Hall at 10.30am from 11 Sep 2022.  华语崇拜将于9月11日重返卫斯理堂,恢复上午10:30的主日崇拜。…

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6 Sep

华语崇拜 – 重返卫斯理堂


The Mandarin Service is returning to Wesley Hall at 10.30am from 11 Sep 2022. 


Let’s invite our Mandarin-speaking friends and family to worship alongside our English services on Sunday mornings at the same time.



27 Aug

Safe Measures Update

From Monday, 29 Aug 2022, the wearing of masks will be optional in indoor settings. ​ We advise members…

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27 Aug

Safe Measures Update

From Monday, 29 Aug 2022, the wearing of masks will be optional in indoor settings. 

We advise members and visitors to keep exercising individual and social responsibility, and to stay home if you are feeling unwell. 

Please refer to the MOH COVID-19 Phase Advisory for the latest guidelines. ​

26 Aug

BRMC’s response to the repeal of Section 377A

The Government has announced that it will repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalises sex between…

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26 Aug

BRMC’s response to the repeal of Section 377A

The Government has announced that it will repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalises sex between men. At the same time, it has promised to protect the definition of marriage from being challenged constitutionally in the courts (1).

In response, the pastoral leadership of Barker Road Methodist Church stands in alignment with the National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) and the Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). We understand “same-sex sexual acts as contrary to God’s order” and affirm “the position of one man and one woman in a monogamous marriage relationship”(2).

We note the rationale and reasoning behind the repeal, and “trust that this decision was not taken lightly” (3). Members and visitors are encouraged to refer to the detailed statements put out by NCCS and MCS to better understand our position in light of more debates to come, within and without the church.

The decision to repeal s377A is contentious and potentially divisive. The pastors would like to encourage our congregational family at BRMC to recognise God’s sovereignty, and to uphold one another in love and compassion whilst we seek to live out God’s standards of holiness.

As we continue to promote our understanding of family, please pray for divine wisdom for the leaders of our country, community and homes.

“Though we walk a long and broken road
We are here to bear each other’s load
And forgive as You’ve forgiven us
Let us walk in love for we are one”

(Excerpt from “We Are One (In the Father’s Love)” by Emu Music;
Theme song of BRMC Sermon Series 2022: We Are Family)(4)


(1) PM Lee’s NDR speech:
(2) The National Council of Churches of Singapore Response to Government’s Decision on the Repeal of Section 377A:
(3) MCS Response to the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code:
(4) BRMC Sermon Recordings & Study Guides:

29 Jul

New Sermon Series: We Are Family

“Sister, let me wipe your tears Brother, let me bear your fears Come on, every daughter, every son…

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29 Jul

New Sermon Series: We Are Family

“Sister, let me wipe your tears
Brother, let me bear your fears
Come on, every daughter, every son
Let us walk in love for we are one”

(lyrics from We Are One, by Emu Music)

What does it mean to live as God’s family? To be a faithful family and a family of faith?

Join in our upcoming sermon series starting 13 August to 18 September as we hear God’s Word about both our biological and marital families, and our church family.

Please refer to the pulpit calendar for more information.

17 Jul

2022 TRAC Special Session Update

Congratulations to Pastor Gilbert Lok for being elected to the office of Deacon at the 2022 Trinity Annual…

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17 Jul

2022 TRAC Special Session Update

Congratulations to Pastor Gilbert Lok for being elected to the office of Deacon at the 2022 Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) Special Session on 16 July.

He will be ordained at TRAC in November, which Barker Road Methodist Church will be hosting.

In the video below, Ps. Gilbert explains to one of our youths what ordination means.


20 Jun

BRMC to host TRAC 2022

We are preparing to host the annual gathering of pastors and laity of the 21 English-speaking Methodist churches…

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20 Jun

BRMC to host TRAC 2022

TRAC logo

We are preparing to host the annual gathering of pastors and laity of the 21 English-speaking Methodist churches in Singapore in November.  

The 47th Session of the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC), to be held 21-24 November 2022, will mark almost a year of Rebuilding Koinonia as BRMC congregations return to pre-pandemic service timings and activities this year.

BRMC members can look forward to celebrating the ordination of Pastor Gilbert Lok to the Office of the Deacon at TRAC. After the event, he will wear the clerical collar and may then be addressed as Reverend Gilbert Lok. 

The last time BRMC hosted TRAC was almost 20 years ago, in 2003.  

As many as 300 delegates are expected over the four days.  

Watch this space

Join us in demonstrating the hospitality of Jesus to our brothers- and sisters-in-Christ from the Methodist church family, and celebrating community through service – as ushers, musicians, prayer partners and other roles.  

So, save the dates and watch this space for volunteer calls in the coming months.  

What is TRAC?

TRAC is an annual meeting where delegates reflect on past programmes, and to discuss God’s direction for us as a family of Methodist churches. Election of certain office holders may also be held in some years at TRAC.  

The conference is scheduled to be held on site, subject to last minute changes that may arise due to the ongoing pandemic. It was held online last year.  

Key sessions will still be livestreamed, for e.g. the Ordination and Closing Service of TRAC 47th Session.  

The Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) is also the organisation that trains and manages our pastors. Under the Methodist system, pastors are not tied to a specific church, and are often reassigned after several years.