&quot Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.&quot

2 Cor 9:7

Please note the different BRMC bank accounts for your gifts and pledges.

Pledge your commitment for financial year 1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025

FY24/25 Pledge Form

Give your pledges via internet banking

  • Login to your internet banking account
  • Transfer to DBS Account number 0700023547 | Bank code 7171 | Branch code 070
  • In the Initials field, please indicate your mobile number
  • Where available, please include your name in the Comments field
  • Enter the amount
  • Confirm the transaction

By scanning QR code 

  • Launch your mobile banking app with your mobile device
  • Tap on QR function to launch the scanner
  • Place QR code within the frame to scan

  • Enter the amount
  • Confirm the transaction