23 Jan 2024
By Ps Joshua Kwok
I first sensed God’s call to full-time vocational ministry while on a mission trip. During this trip, one of the locals asked if I was considering to be a pastor. I was taken aback by that remark as I had not shared openly shared my desire for full-time ministry. I did not think much of that incident after that as I had the misconception that the call to full-time ministry had to be via a supernatural revelation, perhaps an audible voice or a vision.
Rev Anthony Lee, who was my mentor, helped to clear my doubts. Discerning this call together with me, he affirmed my pastoral heart and the desire for full-time ministry. Also, God’s Word through 1 Timothy 3:1 helped me to gain greater clarity, “The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.” I felt that God was calling me through my desire to serve him in full-time ministry as long as I was doing it with genuine intentions.
Over the next few years, I embarked on the discernment process and joined the marketplace upon graduation to gain some working experience. While I enjoyed the work at the marketplace, the desire to spend more time equipping people for the work of ministry in the church mounted. Not long after, I joined my church as a Pastoral Team Member.
The final confirmation to join as an MOT (Minister-on-Trial) came through God’s deliverance from my physical pain. Before entering TTC, I encountered a sharp hip pain without any known cause. As my daily functioning was affected, I pondered if this would hinder me from answering God’s call. I cried to the Lord for healing and to show me a way forward to obey his calling.
In response to my prayer, God pointed me to the right tests and doctors which gave an accurate diagnosis of my pain. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and the long-term treatment was thankfully effective. As a result of this, my disease is currently in remission.
While I have to live with this condition, I witnessed God’s deliverance through the right diagnosis and effective treatment. I saw this as a confirmation from God that he is indeed calling me to pastoral ministry. This has provided assurance that despite any challenges I may face, he is always with me.
Ps Joshua’s testimony was first published in the Methodist Message in January 2024.
He is a Member-on-Trial, admitted in November 2023 to the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC).
He joined BRMC in August 2023. Watch this video introduction of him.
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