Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, which is why we celebrate it as a worship service in many parts this Holy Week, and reflect on Holy Communion, loving one another, sacrifice, death, and the forgiveness of sins – themes that make sense as a whole only in the light of the resurrection.
Let’s come together, then, to Watch and Wait at the Table on Maundy Thursday evening, at the Cross on Good Friday morning, at the Tomb on Holy Saturday afternoon, and finally, on the Mountain on Easter Sunday morning.
Maundy Thursday, Thu, 6 Apr
8pm | Sanctuary
Good Friday, Fri, 7 Apr
8.30am* | Auditorium
10.30am* | Auditorium
Holy Saturday, Sat, 8 Apr
5pm | Sanctuary
Easter Sunday, Sun, 9 Apr
8.30am* | Sanctuary, URS
10.30am* | Sanctuary, Shine Forth (Livestream)
5pm | Sanctuary
*Livestream available