Pledge FY23/24

Dear BRMC Family,

As we approach our 58th National Day, I am reminded of the Pledge that we recite annually on the day itself. The opening line is etched on our minds and hearts – “We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people…”.

According to the Collins English Dictionary, a pledge is a “serious promise that we will do something”.

In the Bible, promise-keeping is an important facet of a person’s integrity of character. The keeping of promises, particularly those made to God, is a recurring theme. It communicates that God not only takes promise-making seriously but expects His people to do likewise.

We hear this from the writer of Ecclesiastes who instructs us to not delay in fulfilling our vows to God (Eccl. 5:4-5). Moses tells us that God is a “faithful God who maintains covenant loyalty with those who love him and keep his commandments” (Deut. 7:9). According to Moses, God does not lie nor change His mind, and that what He has promised, He will do; what He has said, He will fulfil (Num. 23:19).

There is no doubt that God is a promise-keeper. God keeps His promises to us, and wants us to keep vows or promises that we’ve made to Him as well as others. I believe that God passed the litmus test when He sent us the promised Messiah, Jesus, and when He fulfilled His promise to send us the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged because we can depend on God to fulfil His promises to us. We can count on Him, and that should fill us with hope.

I found myself wondering what our society might look like if every Singaporean kept their pledge. What if everyone cared enough about our country to strive for unity, regardless of our differences, and worked together to build a society where justice and equality is experienced by all? Might we see less poverty, mental health issues, social unrest, and instead see a more cooperative, contented, happier, hopeful people? Perhaps…

By extension, I wonder what it would look like if we, the people of God worshipping at Barker Road Methodist Church, kept vows made to God at our baptism and reception into membership? Amongst other things, we promised to be loyal to Christ and to be active participants in the life of our church family. We pledged to “faithfully participate in its ministries by our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service” (Methodist Hymnal).

Pledge Sunday is a timely reminder of the vows that we have made.

It’s not just about money.

It’s about the keeping of vows and promises.

It’s about how we position God. And how we position ourselves relative to Him.

And it is because promise-keeping is important to God that I encourage all of us to take time to pray. Ask the Lord how He would have us respond. I pray that as you do, this certainty will settle in your hearts and minds – that “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8).


Please reach out to our Finance Team if you would like to look at more detailed financial statements.


With blessings and warmest wishes,

Rev Wendy Watson, Pastor-in-Charge
Mr Bill Chua, LCEC Chairman
Mr Melvin Dineshraj, Budget Treasurer

Pledge your commitment online

Pledge Form FY2023/2024 (Aug 2023 – Jul 2024)


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