Connected with Seniors
Two are better than one. Yvonne and Mei Leen from the Living Stones Connect Group show us how...

A humbling takeaway
By Rev Dr Daniel Koh Once in a while, the Lord sends an uplifting lesson to enrich my...

Connected Mothers: Diana Tan
Diana tells us how joining the Heart2Heart Mother’s Fellowship has supported her journey as a mother of two. ...

Onward, Christian Soldier
“Are you sure you want to become a pastor? I’m not really sure you would make a good...

Giving back through service
Gordon Chee serves as a sound engineer on the Worship and Music team. Watch this video to find...

A glimpse of God’s Kingdom
Joshann Lee has been playing the keyboard for the Shine Forth service since 2019. Watch this video to...

Discerning God’s calling
For those of us trying to steward our lives worthily, we must have, at some point, wonder how...

Testimonies from GDIC
Communicating better with God, making new friends and uplifting one another as fellow Christians. Hear the experiences of...

Cecilia’s testimony
Closer walk with God, new friends and a closer relationship with her daughter. Cecilia talks about the transformation...

The Prodigal Son
BRMC new member Eugene Lim shares how his daughter led him to return to God’s family.